Main Characters 角色
永仔 (Dovey)
生日: Oct 26, 1993
星座: 天蠍座
個性: 淡定,粗心,說話直
興趣: 籃球,滑雪,英雄聯盟,
YZ (Dovey)
Birthday: Oct 26, 1993
Zodiac: Scorpio
Personality: Chill, careless, outspoken
Hobby: Basketball, snowboard, League of Legends, watch SaSa EAT & SLEEP looping
莎莎 (Luvey)
生日: May 13, 1997
星座: 金牛座
個性: 調皮,搞怪,在哪裡都黏人
興趣: 籃球,滑雪,英雄聯盟,
SaSa (Luvey)
Birthday: May 13, 1997
Zodiac: Taurus
Personality: Naughty, silly, clingy
Hobby: Basketball, snowboard, League of Legends, EAT & SLEEP looping
生日: 不詳
星座: 不詳
個性: 可愛的娃娃
興趣: 主人睡覺的時候保護她
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Personality: Cute ass plushie
Hobby: Protect owner when they are sleeping
生日: April 1, 2016
星座: 白羊座
個性: 調皮,黏人,人來瘋
興趣: 跟主人一起睡飽吃,吃飽睡
Birthday: April 1, 2016
Zodiac: Aries
Personality: Naughty, clingy, loves human
Hobby: EAT & SLEEP looping with mum